Friday, October 5, 2012

Simply Betty - 13 Days of Halloween Challenged Challenges

Welcome to Day 2 of our 13 Days of Halloween.
13 days of halloween
Day 2
for each challenge, you will have just a few days to participate! That's right just 3-2, maybe 2-1 at times, days to complete the project! It's fast paced and made to challenge you to get it done fast!
SBS image not required to play along, but is required for the prizes! What are the prizes? Well, each day will have a special prize, but the best prize will be a spot on the Simply Challenged Challenges DT for 2013!!!

Here are a few guidelines for that DT spot:
1. You must participate in all 13 Challenges
2. You must use SBS images
3. Place the 13 days of Halloween Badge on your site
Please go to SBS Challenges for specific rules
Today is Witches Brew.  (Anything Witchy) 
I decided to make a door hanger that I could use on my front door.
I bought these blocks of wood, painted them and bought goodies from different places that I could find.  I used Betty Witchy Boo for my stamp and covered it really well with Glossy Accents.  That way rain wouldn't mess it up.  Each item is attached with hot glue.
Please check out the rest of the team that have made something for today's challenge.

Thanks for coming to see today's challenge.
I won't be doing another challenge until the last two days of our 13 Days of Halloween. Please come back on the last two days to see what else I have come up with.  Enjoy seeing the other ladies creations.
Stop over to Simply Betty and grab some great digi or rubber stamps.


  1. Irene your door hanger is absolutely WONDERFUL!!! Love how you put her in the bottle cap! GREAT JOB!
